Step 5: Extracting and Configuring Webapp
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Step 5: Extracting and Configuring Webapp

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Article summary

Extract the whole content of the zip file of the on-premise package into a directory of your choice.

You use <install_folder> to refer to this folder in the following steps of the upgrade procedure.


  • The default paths and examples given in this documentation are for Unix environment. If you are working on a Windows environment, use compatible paths (e.g. D:/iobeya/data using “/” as mentioned above).

  • To avoid deployment errors, you must use “/” instead of “\” in all the paths you define, even if you are using Microsoft Windows Server.

  • The iObeya web application does not create the paths and directories you define automatically. We recommend you create them while you define the paths during the configuration process.

In the <install_folder> you should find:

  • The iObeya folder, containing the files of the web application to be deployed.

  • The liquibase folder, containing liquibase files for Oracle, MariaDB and MySQL.

  • The Log4j2.xml file, allowing to configure the paths where to store the application logs.

  • The ROOT.xml context file, allowing to configure the webapp and the connection to the database server.

1- Configuring applications logs

To change where the application logs are stored:

  1. Edit the log4j2.xml file of the version you want to install.

  2. Change the value of the fileName and filePattern attributes for each Log4j 2 appenders declared in the file.

The application server must be able to write in this directory.


  • By default, the log4j2.xml file is configured to store logs in /var/iobeya/logs.

  • You can find the path that has been configured when you install the previous version of iObeya by editing the log4j2.xml file that is deployed on your iObeya instance.

2- Configuring the database connection

You can find the database settings that has been configured when you install the previous version of iObeya. To do so, edit the ROOT.xml context file available in path_to_tomcat_directory/conf/Catalina/localhost.

To configure the database server to be used by the web application:

  1. Edit the ROOT.xml context file of the version you want to install.

  2. Configure the following attributes:

    • driverClassName (mandatory): By default, the file is pre-configured for MySQL.

      If you plan to use MariaDB or Oracle, you can find the value to be used in the comment block available at the top of the ROOT.xml file.

      • MySQL: driverClassName=”com.mysql.jdbc.Driver”

      • MariaDB: driverClassName=”org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver”

      • Oracle: driverClassName=”oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver”

    • url (mandatory): You need to configure the hostname or IP address of your database server.

      By default, the url is pre-configured for MySQL/MariaDB. If you plan to use MariaDB or Oracle, you can find an example of the url format in the comment block available at the top of the ROOT.xml file.

      By default, the installation procedure create a database schema named iobeya. If you changed the database schema name during the installation process, you need to change this value in the url.

      Check the value that was configured in the context file deployed on your running instance.

    • username (mandatory): By default, iObeya creates a dedicated user account iobeya to access the database.

      Check the value that was configured in the context file deployed on your running instance.

    • password (mandatory): By default, the password for the user created by iObeya is iobeya.


      • We recommend that you change the default password during the installation process. Check the value configured in the context file deployed on your running instance.

3- Configuring the web application


  • The default paths and examples given in this documentation are for Unix environment. If you are working on a Windows environment, use compatible paths (e.g. D:/iobeya/data using “/” as mentioned above).

  • To avoid deployment errors, you must use “/” instead of “\” in all the paths you define, even if you are using Microsoft Windows Server.

  • The iObeya web application does not create the paths and directories you define automatically. We recommend you create them while you define the paths during the configuration process.


To find the settings configured during the installation of the previous version of iObeya, edit the ROOT.xml context file available in path_to_tomcat_directory/conf/Catalina/localhost.

To configure the web application:

  1. Edit the ROOT.xml context file of the version you want to install.

  2. Configure the following attributes:

    • docBase (mandatory): on Tomcat, you manually deploy iObeya as an exploded web application in a directory called docBase.

      You need to copy the web application files into this directory later on. This deployment method gives you more flexibility and control over the application configuration.

      • e.g. /var/iobeya/webapp/4.20.1

    • baseDirectory (mandatory): a root directory that can be used as a reference for other directories.

      • e.g. /var/iobeya/

    • dataDirectory (mandatory): defines the directory where all the files managed by the application are stored.

      • e.g. /var/iobeya/data

    • tempDirectory (mandatory): defines the directory where all the temporary files managed by the application are stored.

      • e.g. /var/iobeya/temp

    • cacheDirectory (mandatory): defines the directory where all the cache files generated by the application are stored.

      • e.g. /var/iobeya/data/cache

    • assetDirectory (mandatory): defines the directory where the assets (e.g. images) are stored.

      • e.g. /var/iobeya/assets

    • indexDirectory (mandatory): defines the directory where the indexes are stored.

      • e.g. /var/iobeya/index

    • log4j2FilePath (optional): defines the path to an external log4j2.xml configuration file.

      If not set, all logs go to the main application server log file.

      • e.g. /var/iobeya/settings/log4j2.xml

    • pluginsPropertiesDirectory (optional): defines the directory for the add-on’s external properties file.

      If not set, add-ons that require configuration files do not start.

      • e.g. /var/iobeya/settings/plugins

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