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SAML logs on the iObeya server

As a Administrateur de plateforme, you can download the application logs from the administration interface (for support or maintenance purposes, for example):

SSO - accessing logs

  1. Select Download logs in the Tools section on the left-hand side menu of the administraiton interface.

  2. Select Ok.

    Logs are downloaded from the server into a ZIP file

These logs show you when people manage to log in, and also when they fail.

You should find, in the logs, for each AuthNRequest line, a AuthNResponse.

For example, when there is a success, you should find the email address in the response:

INFO [SAMLDefaultLogger] AuthNRequest;SUCCESS…
INFO [SAMLDefaultLogger] AuthNResponse;SUCCESS...

For example, when there is a failure:

INFO [SAMLDefaultLogger] AuthNRequest;SUCCESS...
INFO [SAMLDefaultLogger] AuthNResponse;FAILURE...

If the file does not exist in the logs, here is how to activate SAML debug information in the log files

On iObeya platform, log4j2.xml is usually located in the “settings” folder in the iObeya folder.


If you cannot find the file, go to the conf\Catalina\localhost folder in Tomcat, and open the .xml context file.

The log4j2FilePath gives you the path to the file.

Open that file and uncomment the following part, by deleting the “<!--” and “-->” highlighted in yellow

INFO [SAMLDefaultLogger] AuthNRequest;SUCCESS…
INFO [SAMLDefaultLogger] AuthNResponse;SUCCESS...

For example, when there is a failure:

<!-- DEBUG FILE LOG Console -->
 <RollingFile name="debugfile" fileName="/var/iobeya/logs/appDebug.log"            filePattern="/var/iobeya/logs/appDebug-%d{yyyy-MM-dd}-%i.log.gz">
   <Pattern>%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} %5p [%c{1}] %m%n</Pattern>
   <TimeBasedTriggeringPolicy />
   <SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy size="250 MB"/>
  <DefaultRolloverStrategy max="5"/>

And add after <loggers>.

<!-- SAML -->
<Logger name="org.opensaml" level="DEBUG" />
<Logger name="" level="DEBUG" />
<Logger name="com.iobeya.auth.saml" value="DEBUG" />
<Logger name="" value="DEBUG" />

SAML tool


The use of SAML tool is highly recommended to troubleshoot the setup of the SAML connexion (to be installed by a person who is supposed to test SSO connexion).

With it, you can see if there are attributes in the SAML response and the names of the attributes you need to complete the iObeya SAML configuration.

To use the SAML tool:

  1. Open your platform.

  2. Launch your browser’s Devtools.

  3. Perform the action that initiates SAML login.

  4. Find SSO from the Network panel and look for a network request with SAMLResponse in the Payload.

    SSO - SAML tool 1

  5. Copy the SAMLResponse value.

  6. Open the SAML tool and paste the SAMLResponse value into the tool.

    SSO - SAML tool 2

    View the extracted SAML information:

    SSO - SAML tool 3

Embedding SSO login into the workflow of adding a user to a room

SSO - embedding SSO login into the workflow

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