Backup your iObeya Data
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Backup your iObeya Data

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  1. Create a backup directory. For the next steps, it will be refered as <backup_directory>.

  2. Stop Tomcat.

Step1: Backup your settings

Backup your context file

  1. Go to the installation directory of Tomcat.

  2. Go to the directory path_to_tomcat_directory/conf/Catalina/localhost.

  3. Copy the context file (ex: ROOT.xml depending on the name given when you installed iObeya) that contains the iObeya configuration parameters into the <backup_directory>.


For the next steps, refer to the context file you backed up for each mentioned parameter.

Backup your Log4j2 configuration file

  1. Go to the directory configured in the log4j2FilePath parameter.

  2. Copy the log4j2.xml file defined into the <backup_directory>.

Backup your add-ons configuration

  1. Go to the directory configured in the pluginsPropertiesDirectory parameter.

  2. Archive all the folders, subfolders, and files with a recursive zip or gzip command.

  3. Copy the archive into the <backup_directory>.

Step 2: Backup your assests

  1. Go to the directory configured in the assetDirectory parameter.

  2. Archive all the folders, subfolders and files with a recursive zip or gzip command.

  3. Copy the archive in the <backup_directory>.

Step 3: Backup your database


Make sure your Tomcat server is stopped.

Backup your MySQL 8.0 database

During the iObeya installation procedure, a dedicated database named iobeya is created.

If you changed the database name during the installation process, you need to adapt accordingly the database name in the following cammands.

Replace <DATABASE_ADDRESS> and <DATABASE_NAME> by the values configured in the context file deployed on your running instance.

  1. Open a terminal window in <backup_directory>.

  2. Run the following command. At the prompt enter the password for the user root:

    mysqldump --column-statistics=0 -h <DATABASE_ADDRESS> -u root -p --databases <DATABASE_NAME> > iobeyadump.sql


    mysqldump --column-statistics=0 -h localhost -u root -p --databases iobeya > iobeyadump.sql

Backup your MariaDB database

During the iObeya installation procedure a dedicated database named iobeya is created.

If you changed the database name during the installation process, you will have to adapt accordingly the database name in the following cammands.

Replace <DATABASE_ADDRESS> and <DATABASE_NAME> by the values configured in the context file deployed on your running instance.

  1. Open a terminal window in <backup_directory>.

  2. Run the following command. At the prompt enter the password for the user root:

    mysqldump -h <DATABASE_ADDRESS> -u root -p --databases <DATABASE_NAME> > iobeyadump.sql


    mysqldump -h localhost -u root -p --databases iobeya > iobeyadump.sql

Backup your Oracle database

  1. Open a terminal window in <backup_directory>.

  2. Run the following command, providing the <system_password> for the user SYSTEM:

    exp userid=system/<system_password> file=export_iobeya_full.dump log=export_iobeya_full.log rows=y owner=IOBEYA

    If either the username or password is omitted, the export command will prompt you for it.

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